Disabling USB Debugging On your Fire HD Tablet

Posted on 05/18/2015

We've come across this questions in several forums.  Mostly related to watching Live TV from Time Warner Cable or Brighthouse Networks, many people are getting an error that reads... Connot Continue - Disable USB Degugging... with some instructions on how to do it.. Usually - open Settings / Device Options and you'd see it. 

The problem is - by default, you will not be able to see the Developer Options menu.  It is not part of the selection.  The reason is - by default, your device has this disabled.  You must first enable the menu.  Here's how you do it...

  1. Pull down your menu and select settings
  2. Quadruple click your serial number.  That's right - when you click on your Serial Number on your device, you will see a message that reads - you are Three Steps Away from being a developer.  Go ahead and click on your serial number three more times.
  3. You will now see the Developer Options - click here.
  4. You will now see Enable ADB.  Turn it off

Voila!  You're done and can now watch Live TV on your Fire HD Tablet.

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Disabling USB Debugging On your Fire HD Tablet

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That was beast!  Thanks!

Post by: Michael - Feb 22, 2016

OMG - THANKS!!!! - this helped a bunch! 100% on target
Post by: Annie - Feb 02, 2016

Thank you so much!
Post by: Kyle - Feb 01, 2016

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